Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Political Ideologies of the 19th Century

In the 1800s, three major political ideologies existed: liberalism, conservatism, and nationalism.  To learn about these ideologies, we split off into groups and each group was assigned an ideology to make a one-minute video on.  Our group was assigned to make a video on conservatism.  19th century conservatism is based on the idea that in order to have peace, we should look to the past, because old traditions are tried and tested and kept the peace for years.  Liberalism idealised progress.  Liberals were more interested in the good of the many than individual rights.  Nationalism was the sense of pride in one's nation and belief that all people with the same culture and language should be unified.

To view our presentation and learn more about conservatism, check out our video here!

Our presentation clearly defines 19th century conservatism and gives some reasons as to why people would have these ideals.  Conservative ideals rooted in the past accounted for the repression of revolutions during the 1800s.  Conservatives felt that the old monarchies and government systems should remain in place, as opposed to liberals who thought that Europe needed new governments in order to move forward.

Liberals were behind the revolutions of the 1800s, as they wished to move forward.  Nationalists also fed the fire of revolution, saying that people should feel unified instead of divided by class structure.

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