Tuesday, October 14, 2014


There is and always will be debate over Napoleon Bonaparte and whether his actions were beneficial or damaging.  His actions affected social, political, and economic systems in Europe and all over the world.


Napoleon conquered almost all of Europe, and destroyed class distinctions between serf and noble, washing away classist titles.  While this was good for the poor peasants of Europe, the former nobles and royalty did not like these changes and felt that their rights were being taken away.  He undertook huge public works programs, which again benifited the poor.  Under Napoleon, Europe was a less classist and separated society.

Napoleon allowed the countries under his rule to function as usual, just reporting to him.  Instead of many absolute rulers, there was only one who controlled all of Europe.  The rulers of conquered countries did not like having their power diminished, but the poor enjoyed better conditions.

Napoleon also encouraged industry and built up the infrastructure of the countries he conquered.  The gap in wealth between the upper class and the lower class shrank as a result of Napoleon's economic changes.

While many of Napoleon Bonaparte's actions were controversial, his affect on the countries he ruled was mostly positive.

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