Thursday, September 11, 2014

Stepping Stones

Hard as it may be to believe in today's world, 5 miles an hour in a boat was, at one point, considered revolutionary.  In class recently, we discovered why the Industrial Revolution was so revolutionary.  It is widely considered to be the revolution that changed more than any other revolution in history.  It changed many aspects of life for the whole world, and paved the way for all of the technology and transportation that was to come.

During the Industrial Revolution, steam power was invented.  This invention still powers much of today's transportation and technology.  Originally used for steamboats, the steam-powered locomotive came next.  People built more railroads for easier transportation, including the famous Trans-Continental Railroad.  Steam power eventually led to the creation of many modes of transportation such as cars, trains, and planes. 

Steam power also led to other forms of technology.  This was the beginning of modern technology.  Everything we have now stems from the creation of steam power during the Industrial Revolution.  It is always during times of wealth that invention stems, because people have the time and money to engage in pursuits other than farming.  Improved transportation and farming made the distrubution and acquisition of food easier, so fewer people needed to farm.  People got better-paying jobs and therefore had the extra wealth to spend on inventing things.  Public education was also invented during the Industrial Revolution, so people were smarter in general and more able to make their ideas come to fruition.

The Industrial Revolution is the reason we have cars and cell phones and even refrigerators.  It was the beginning of modern technology, and has improved people's lives in more ways than we can possibly imagine.

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